Made by my head
Music, Ireland. Grey, name. My name. A step ladder. This house was built in a bog. Music is the window. I fell off a step ladder.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Music. Messiah J and the Expert.

Education is just going to school and coming back with more things in your head than you had before, and you can do that in a van too.

They said 'hooray' and 'go out of the hole' and 'get out of the corner too'. And that man was Superman but now he's in the hole again. I learnt that in a van.

Band: Messiah J and the Expert.

Most Irish hip hop peals the paint from the walls in my head. Messiah J and the Expert are painting those walls, hanging pictures, doing all the Hoovering and arranging unfortunate accidents for the mice.


Hope is like a planet and you've forgotten about the apes, and it's more like despair when you see all the apes.

He shoots, he scores, he glues himself to a lilac tree. Let's kick him.

A walk in the rain - Poetry. Ireland. Reading the news with no trousers.
Very Slight Stories - Very short stories.
Henry Seaward-Shannon - Slightly longer short-stories.

More blogs about music.


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