Made by my head
Music, Ireland. Grey, name. My name. A step ladder. This house was built in a bog. Music is the window. I fell off a step ladder.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Music. Rodrigo y Gabriela.

Sound, music, the future, lots of bells. Die in the afternoon, wake in the evening and say, "Did I just die?" Yes and no and maybe and no and ha! you just died and that's why your shoulder is like that and Aerosmith, I like Aerosmith.

That wasn't what I had in mind when I said 'the future'.

The past: The phone rang and when I answered it a familiar voice said, "I'm you five years from now. There's a rabbit on my head."

Band: Rodrigo y Gabriela.

Album: Rodrigo y Gabriela.

They're originally from Mexico, but they're based in Dublin. They used to play in a Mexican trash metal band. Now they play accoustic guitars. Eight of my toes think this album is better than Australia. The other two are lying.


The present, here, now, my army smells of the dog they tried to put a hat and scarf on. The woman in the video shop says my army smells happy. The lightbulb over my head wants to marry the lightbulb over her head. That's not a very good idea.

I try to look up without moving my neck. The rabbit on my head said he'd have found a new place by next week, but I'm not so sure now.

Some other blogs:

Hard-to-find music.

Dublin based blog.

He shoots, he scores, he glues himself to a lilac tree. Let's kick him.

A walk in the rain - Poetry. Ireland. Reading the news with no trousers.
Very Slight Stories - Very short stories.
Henry Seaward-Shannon - Slightly longer short-stories.

More blogs about music.


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