Spring days, hills and valleys and now I'm lost somewhere and wherever it is I'm glad I'm lost there. Row boats down the stream and life is B a dream or C, the sound of long wave radio in prison cough cough to attract attention and mouth the word 'no'.
Sorry. Forget about that. Delete the word 'prison' and insert 'breakfast' or 'breakfast at Tiffany's'. Who's Tiffany?
A series of airports, flights and phone calls later: It's great to finally meet you, Tiffany... Goodbye.
Here, now, prison. No, forget about prison. These phones I dial all day long, these wires I listen to just for the sound, these words I write and things I say to Jane. "Ah, Jane, ahm..." Part of me runs away, and another part of me stays and talks to Jane, and gets to know her and we go for a drink and go back to her place and she laughs at all my jokes. But the part of me that would get the most enjoyment from this situation is the one that ran away earlier.
Band: Jape.
Album: The Monkeys in the Zoo Have More Fun Than Me.
Jape is basically just Richie Egan, who's also a member of The Redneck Manifesto. Listening to Jape and The Redneck Manifesto is better than knowing someone called Giddy who keeps winning the lottery by choosing the letter J every week.
Richie Egan's myspace place:
The Redneck Manifesto website:
If the other half of me is in prison... No, forget about that.