Made by my head
Music, Ireland. Grey, name. My name. A step ladder. This house was built in a bog. Music is the window. I fell off a step ladder.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Music. Gavin Friday.

Hatstand. Sugar. Poison. One of these words is written across my forehead. I hope it's not 'hatstand' or 'sugar'.

I'm trying to count the Smurfs, but they're all running around my garden. A tuba falls on at least one of them, and the rest panic. They run around even quicker. If anyone asks, the tuba 'fell' on them. It doesn't help that they think I'm Roy Orbison.

'Roy Orbison' - that's what's written on my forehead.

Man: Gavin Friday.

Album: Shag Tobacco.

More influential than air.


He shoots, he scores, he glues himself to a lilac tree. Let's kick him.

A walk in the rain - Poetry. Ireland. Reading the news with no trousers.
Very Slight Stories - Very short stories.
Henry Seaward-Shannon - Slightly longer short-stories.

More blogs about music.


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