Made by my head
Music, Ireland. Grey, name. My name. A step ladder. This house was built in a bog. Music is the window. I fell off a step ladder.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


By the sea. She said I was standing on her puppy's violin. I faked a heart-attack.

Shake. S H A Hey Hey, bing. I don't know what 'bing' is. Ow my heart, that's me faking a heart attack.

I'm pointing at boats and cutting off branches (this was the song I wrote) and hitting people with frying pans (that was their response to my song). Maybe they'll prefer the song about my heart attack.

Band: The Frank and Walters

The second-greatest band ever to come out of Cork. They make other bands look like dead mice trying to seduce a toaster.

More info:

He shoots, he scores, he glues himself to a lilac tree. Let's kick him.

A walk in the rain - Poetry. Ireland. Reading the news with no trousers.
Very Slight Stories - Very short stories.
Henry Seaward-Shannon - Slightly longer short-stories.

More blogs about music.


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